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We are a marketplace specializing in bringing together individuals, corporations, staffing companies and learning institutions to an ecosystem that is beneficial for all.
4dot5 aims to provide a multitude of services through a deep understanding of the profile of individuals, needs of the corporations and staffing companies and capabilities of the institutions which it serves.
At the core of its offering is a proprietary algorithm that dives deep into the "assets" made available to the underlying platform to provide:
  • talent search, talent hiring/placement and performance management for corporations and staffing companies
  • a path for skill improvement and career growth for individuals
  • a big role for learning institutions to play in upskilling the marketplace
4dot5's MissionControl helps companies source, match, assess and interview qualified candidates quickly.
Collaborative workflow involving all stakeholders, a built-in assessment framework and integrated video conferencing capability adds to a seamless, secure and feature rich solution in this space

We also offer Recruitment Process Outsourcing and Staffing Services to help companies stay competitive, expand to new markets and increase shareholder value by leveraging the full potential of latest digital technologies.

Our core sector of expertise is STEM and are rapidly expanding to other areas.

© 2021 by 4dot5.

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